Tuesday, October 31, 2017

HW: Playing with Numbers and operations

You need to come with expression by ONLY using numbers (4, 5, 6,9), operations, and parentheses to get the result as provided in part a, b, c, d, e

Monday, October 30, 2017

701 and 703 classes have different homework.

Look for you Class HOMEWORK BELOW:

701 HW:

703 HW:

Friday, October 27, 2017

Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe

HW is to help Caroline to compute the amount of Recipe for the Peanut Butter Cookie


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Multiplication and Division of Fractions

Again, the following sign changes are always true when multiplying or dividing fractions.

Use this to help you guide with the sign of your answer.
  • + + = +
  • + - = -
  • - + = -
  • - - = +

HOMEWORK: Answer ALL questions in the worksheet.  Question #11 is challenger (BONUS).

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Practicing Multiplication of Rational Numbers

Monday, October 23, 2017

Homework 10/23/2017

Hey Guys,

We talk about integers and multiplication of integers by using the number line.  The following will help you to predict the sign of your result:

  • + + = +
  • + - = -
  • - + = -
  • - - = +

Your Homework: DO Both in your HW notebook

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Homework 10/19/2017

Answer ALL questions except 38 in your HW NOTEBOOK 

Question 38 is BONUS 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


DO Every problem in question number  48 and 49 in your Homework Notebooks

Use Chip Models/ Number line to add or subtract Integers.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Adding/Subtracting Integers Practice

Hey Y'all

The following link will take you to the website with tonight's HW worksheet. The second page has the answers too. You may use the second page to double check your answers.

How many were you able to get correct?


Monday, October 16, 2017

Number Lines

Please continue practicing your use of the number line to help you solve Problems ABCFG

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Number lines and Number Sentences

Hey Guys!

Tonight, we're asking that you practice what we learned in class by answering Problems ABCD in your homework notebook.

Each answer must have a number line AND a number sentence.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


These are some of the words and their meaning you will need:

1) Writing a check means you are giving money. You use subtraction

2) Deposit a check means you are adding money to your Bank account. You use addition

3) Withdraw means you are taking out money from your Bank account.  You use subtraction.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Start of Unit 2

With the start of Unit 2: Accentuate the Negative, we're asking that you make sure that you've decorated the Unit 2 "chapter" page in both your classwork and homework notebooks.

Additionally, you were sent home with an INTEGERS/NUMBER LINES packet over the long weekend. Please make sure that is completed :)

Finally, for those who have yet to turn in your Unit 1 Shapes and Design Project, you must turn it in completed by tomorrow--otherwise, there will be phone calls made in addition to serving detention.

See y'all tomorrow!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Homework for this Weekend

Hey All,

So, we talk a little about the Number line.  We will continue and start our Unit 2: Accentuate the Negative next week.

Your Homework is to finish ALL 4 Pages of the packages handed to you today.

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Unit Readiness Exam Tomorrow

Hey Class,

Your Homework is to continue to work on your unit project.  Please make sure you answer all 7 question in FULL SENTENCE.

Tomorrow is the Unit Readiness Exam for the Accentuate the Negative Unit.  There is no need to prepare for this exam.  This Exam will just let us know what are your strength and where do you need to work the most for improvements.

REMINDER: The Unit Project is due on Tuesday (10/10/17). However, if you are done by tomorrow (Friday), you can hand them in.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Continuing Project Questions

Good Afternoon Y'all

Your hw for tonight is to finish up answering the essential questions for Unit 1. This requires you to please read it over to yourself aloud and possibly ask someone at home to read over your project!

When we come in tomorrow, we hope that you will get the opportunity to get started on the final draft before submitting your project for grading!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Hi Y'all!

Please make sure to give the parent letter access code to your parents so that both you and your parents can view and keep track of your grades online. This year we are inviting parents/guardians to be involved and stay updated on your grades so that you'd have a relative understanding of how you are doing and what your report cards may look like before you receive the final grade that stays on your file!

Parents have been contacted personally already by text so that they also have the access in case the letter didn't reach home!

Please make sure the account created is a PARENT ACCOUNT to gain access to the grades!

Comment below if there are any further questions regarding keeping track of your grades!

We hope to have your unit exam grades uploaded by the end of this week :)

Tomorrow, we will be working on our Unit Projects so that we can try to make the FRIDAY, October 6, 2017 due date!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Exam Tomorrow! (Study Guide and Unit Project Qs on this post!)

Good Afternoon Y'all,

Just a reminder, you now have all the materials and tools in your possession to study and prepare for the exam that is tomorrow. We have worked very hard for the past month towards this exam.

We gave to you, today, a study guide and the essential questions that you must answer for Unit 1's project. For now, the Unit Project is due this Friday. We will be working on the project in class this week and give you time to work together!

The following parts of this post will contain the study guide and the unit project questions!

Unit 1: Shapes and Designs
Project’s Essential Questions

1.    What is a polygon? What are characteristics of irregular polygons?
2.    What are the common properties of all polygons?
3.    What are some common benchmark angles?
4.    What angles or shapes possess these benchmark angles?
5.    What are the different types of triangles and their names?
a.    What are some characteristics that all triangles have in common?
b.    What makes the triangles different from each other?
6.    What are the different types of quadrilaterals and their names?
a.    What are some characteristics that all quadrilaterals have in common?
b.    What makes the quadrilaterals different from each other?
7.    Choose a particular polygon and describe all of that polygon’s properties!
a.    What do you know about their:
                                               i.     number of sides
                                              ii.     type of angles

                                             iii.     total interior sum

Please do all the problems for Homework. Probability= (Number of Possible Outcome/ Total number of outcomes)